Wednesday, May 30, 2012

i'm back

Hi guys

It is good to be back blogging after xx months.

Life has been full of ups and downs and i thank God for them. They are the practicum in life that God has placed. They are the moments that i know God is always there for me, and genuine encounters from God.

Let me give you some updates of my life.

Earlier this year, SK and i has decided to apply for BTO. It was a major decision in our relationship. Our hearts are really thankful to God. We will be heading down for our flat selection this sunday. We are praying to get our desired unit and very excited for this!

Our future love nest:
*photos credits to HDB

I'm also going to embark a new journey with God in another CG and thankful for the chance given to serve. The passion to touch lives, loving people fervantly is always burning. I'm looking forward!

Thank you E456 for the wonderful journey, you will always be in my mind and prayers. CGCs, 加油!交给你们了!Love you guys!

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous